going with the flow, but within reason 🊐♓

// this is an archived post from April 10th, 2023 from a previous website hosting service //


the planet of discipline & boundaries, Saturn, entered the dreamy & emotional sign of Pisces at 3:35 AM CST on March 7th and will stay there until May 24th, 2025.

Saturn moved into Pisces and out of Aquarius, the sign of innovation, rebellion, and spontaneity. you might imagine this could conflict with a planet all about responsibility, rigidity, and following the rules.


moving into Pisces, Saturn takes on a more dreamlike nature in that it will help you start focusing on the possibilities and the responsibilities that come with them. think: keeping your feet on the ground while your head's in the clouds.

again, you can imagine that Saturn won't feel very at home in a sign that's all about going with the flow & being vulnerable.

how can you maintain vulnerability with others while also setting firm boundaries? how can you follow your dreams while being realistic? ðŸĪ” Saturn in Pisces will hopefully teach us a thing or two about this.


Saturn transiting Aquarius meant something different for all of us, just as Saturn transiting Pisces will. refer to your birth chart to see what house falls under Pisces.

for example: for me, it's the third house of communication, learning, & siblings. how will Saturn teach me to be radically open & honest with my dreams & emotions when it comes to these things while also maintaining healthy boundaries for myself and others?

I didn't get a chance to write tarotscopes for this transit as I would've liked to (you can read astrological transit tarotscopes by joining The Sugar Moon Scoop at the Inner-Senshi level) but you can listen to an insightful podcast all about it by my favorite astrologer, Chani Nicholas, right here 💖

I'll see you in the future! ðŸ”Ū


in a Peter Pan state of mind ðŸŠķ